Zoning Out or Leaning In?

Have you ever read or listened to a chapter in the Bible and then realized that you weren't fully engaged? When that happens, I feel like I’ve been listening to the Bible through a filter. I’ve simply been sitting there and straining all of God's glorious holiness, wisdom, and righteousness through a filter. I only took the tiniest amount I could from it. We usually don't do it intentionally, but this way of listening can significantly hinder us. It's time that we take the filters off and start positioning ourselves to hear God.

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Our Untamable God

The only way we're going to find a dependable, tame god is if we make him ourselves. We still do this seemingly primitive act today. We make gods out of our success, money, friends, spouses, parents, and kids. We think that if we push the right buttons and say the proper things, these gods will grant our wishes to be happy and safe.

God is not tame, but we can rely on him in the following ways.

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Sanctification and Brushing Your Teeth

We are born with a tendency to want to earn our growth. We long to attribute every good thing that happens to us to our goodness and cleverness. We want to do all the brushing ourselves, look in the mirror, and pat ourselves on the back for doing such an excellent job. However, when it comes to the process of becoming like Jesus, we have to give up this notion.

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