God Is in the Details: How Our Worldview Shapes Our Understanding
Artificial intelligence (AI) rendering is a fascinating concept. Deepdreamgenerator.com describes it this way, "Initially it was invented to help scientists and engineers to see what a deep neural network is seeing when it is looking in a given image. Later the algorithm has become a new form of psychedelic and abstract art." In other words, you can give this algorithm an image to "look at." It then processes and "understands" the picture by referencing a massive bank of photos in its database. Then, it outputs some wacky-looking picture based on the computer's interpretation of what it's seeing. Some results are very cool looking, and others are deeply unsettling. Take this Bob Ross photo, for example:
What we don't often acknowledge is that we do something very similar to the way we process reality. Stimuli come in through our senses and we interpret them through our past experiences, which then further shapes our world view. Our brains must be able to do this. Otherwise, we wouldn't mentally develop or process complicated decisions. However, there are potential downsides. We make thousands of snap judgments every day, many of which we likely base on completely incorrect pictures of our world.
For example, I may think that my wife is talking to me the way she is because she feels like being unfriendly, when in fact, my lovely spouse is responding the way she is because I have been unloving without even realizing it. My perception of what is occurring will impact how I react to the situation and what outcome I will receive.
I could go in a dozen directions with this idea, but for today, I would like to focus on our understanding of God's word through the Bible. Consider this for a moment: Is it at all remotely possible that your knowledge of scripture resembles a Deep Dream rendering? Could you be referencing unconscious childish, heretical, or incomplete ideas in rendering an image of the truth? For me, the answer is "absolutely." It's hard to admit, but our understanding is incomplete and warped in so many ways. We are plagued with false advertising and cultural tendencies that run counter to heavenly facts and guidance. Our natural tendencies to self-protect and self-indulge lead us to make implications about God's word that are probably not true.
When we try to try to cram our false understandings into scripture, we ruin the Bible's context and warp the truth. It may seem like the lie fits, but what you get is an aberration.
I don't think that people do this intentionally most of the time. They just haven't spent the due diligence to meditate on the context and content of scripture in such a way that it shapes their thinking. Instead of changing their reality, they seek to cram their perceptions into scripture.
Here are a few practical ways to deal with the discrepancies between your reality and God's:
Books like "Cracks in the Foundation" and "The Reason for God" are excellent sources of sound theology. Take time to absorb them and let your false perceptions get reset.
Instead of enduring church services, focus on what the pastor is saying. Take notes, cross-check what you hear against scripture, and engage with the sermon. Check out solid Christian podcasts like Ask Pastor John, Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast, Exploring My Strange Bible, Vox Church - Leader Pastor Justin Kendrick, and Solid Joys Daily Devotional. Each of those would be an excellent starting point.
Meet regularly (preferably weekly) with a group of Christians to study Biblical truths and talk about them. It doesn't need to be anything meticulously organized, but it should be more than people just sharing their opinions. Focus on a few Bible verses, watch a sermon, or discuss a book you're reading together.
I've saved the best for last. While these other practices are useful, the most crucial ingredient in your worldview transformation is the Holy Spirit's intervention. Invite him into this process of reshaping your concept of reality to fit his. He is the one who enables any meaningful change. Have him be at the center of it all.
Application Question:
Once you invite the Holy Spirit into the process, what one practical step can you take toward clarity of perspective?