What Are You Doing to Fill the Sky?

Good afternoon! I'm excited to announce that I'm starting up my blog again! *audience roars with applause*. I really wanted to continue writing some uplifting and thought-provoking posts for all of you. I have been doing a lot of writing behind the scenes lately and am working on a few projects, so why not throw this one in there too? I really hope that these things that God has been speaking to me will touch your lives and make you think, nod, and smile.

To start off, I just want to say that I love John 21:25. In this verse, he is finishing up his Gospel and he says two nonchalant sentences: "Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written." Wow! Jesus has done a lot! I believe that those two simple sentences encapsulate a gigantic revelation just dying to emerge: The effect of Jesus' works has, is and will continue to expand, filling up the earth and sky with his glory. The wonderful thing for us is that we have the great opportunity to help fill up the earth and sky with our own stories of what Jesus has done for us.

Sky and Clouds

I believe that it's time we start using our lives and every resource available to us to glorify God and build each other up. I have decided to start up this blog up again in an attempt to build all of you up and talk together about God's gloriousness. I believe that praise for God should be saturating this world. I may not be able to fill the sky with my praises of him, but I can certainly contribute to the fantastic story being written there.

Check out the next post in this Legacy series: Pulling Out All the Stops

What are some things that you do every day to glorify God? And what do you think you should be doing more often? Write a comment below!