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An Interview with Mike Massé About Holiness

I interviewed Mike about his book, #iamholy, that discusses holiness in and how God sees us as completely holy when we believe in Jesus. This imparted holiness then becomes the springboard for us to become more holy in our actions and minds. [embed]https://youtu.be/VhB9t0mB8kM[/embed]

Our Conversation about Holiness

  • How would you describe #iamholy if someone asked you about it in an elevator and you only had a few minutes?
  • What were some of the main influences you had for writing #iamholy?
  • You speak of a "grace conversion" in the book. What were some catalysts that led to that grace conversion?
  • What do you feel are a few of the practical implications of the message of the book?
  • What kind of impact have you seen as you’ve ministered on the subject?
  • At the beginning of chapter 6, you talk about how you, and many other Christians, have expressed frustration that our lives don’t match the promises of the Bible. How would you answer someone who came to you frustrated that they don’t see very much holiness in their lives after a long time of pursuing it?

Mike's book, #iamholy, is available on Amazon and at his website: http://www.iamholy.net/

Question: What are your thoughts on holiness? Let me know in the comments section!